Thursday, May 20, 2010

August 30, 2009

This is an argument that started because I had a tax file out and he just puts it up in the closet, instead of the file cabinet. We were on the phone and I hung up. It then became a text argument.

Me - Sometimes I hate you so much. I relish in the fact that one day I'll graduate and be able to get a job to support my kids and I won't have to depend on you anymore.

Him - So that's what you're working toward

Me - You betcha. Have a good life without me. Your ass will have to figure out what it takes to manage a house because you've never helped me with it.

I have to hold your damn hand in everything.

You just live in oblivion when it comes to the house. Hell you can't even seem to put a dinner together without asking me what to make.

It doesn't matter what I ask of you, you're determined to do it from your chair. "Make sure Seth wipes his stuff off." "He said he did it."

"Can you get gas for my van?" So, you wait till right before I leave. God forbid Shane be a little proactive and do something in advance. Oh hell no. It's all on Shane's time. When Shane feels like it.

I can't deal with being married to a kid.

Maybe someone else will be able to get you to motivate and bring those traits to the table. I sure as hell have never gotten that from you.

If you don't want tot do something or don't feel like doing it, then it isn't going to get done.

Lord you couldn't even read the folder. Hell you know all the files are in the draw.

But what the fuck ever. That's Shane. I just need to deal with it. Accept it. Well let me tell you this bit of honesty. I will only deal with it for as long as I have to. If I get a bonafide opportunity, I'm out.

So, here's the spell I give you... "I'm sorry for being such a bitch. I'm just stressed with school starting up and the kids in these activities. I shouldn't have left that folder there. I'll take care of it when I get home. I love you honey. I'm sure you're tired and I know you have a headache. Get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning.

Him - I just thought you needed it out. I guess our relationship is all lies then. Good night then.

Me - Good night honey. Love you.

Him - Ok

I hope the rest of your night goes better


Me - I'm sure it will. Tell your girlfriend I said good night.

Him - Girlfriend?

Me - I figured something must keep you busy cause it sure isn't out house.


Him - Ok then. Goodnight.

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