Thursday, April 1, 2010

untitled - everything has an identity, except for me

I miss life. It's been so long, ya know... I've been gone, far away, but always watching; always observing the production my life equates to.

There are always people around, suffocating the light out, stealing what life they can from me. It has now been confirmed, I'm not meant for things of happiness and pleasure.

I'm free! I've escaped the reach of oppression, but I'm running. I'm fleeing, fast-paced and frantically. He's on my tracks, determined to keep me caged away. I'm his pretty little firefly, bringing him flickers of light and childlike glee.

The village riots together, ignorantly united, falsely connected. They conspire my death, the villain in the night must not get away! She holds the key to the dawning of another day. We will catch her, we will reform her. She WILL become another drone of society!

There is no escape... wearily, I'm bound to submit to their whims of normalcy, foundation, structure... CONFORMITY! I've lost possession of my breath... It slowly escapes my lips...

Sadly, the solution surfaces; the mind collapses and all is still within... finally. They victor my scarred soul, and leave my useless shell, crumbled on the floor.

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